Anasazi Salt

Anasazi Salt

My favorite brand of sea salt is Anasazi Salt, and it’s not just because I have a TINY ownership in this company. This salt seriously tastes amazing! Using good quality sea salt transforms your recipes. It brings out the flavors when I use it in roasting veggies, prepping meat for the grill, and yes even baking bread and desserts!

Using sea salt instead of “normal salt” in my opinion is better. This salt comes straight from mother nature to your kitchen. It has more than 50+ trace minerals, which we all need more of in our diets.

So, if you are looking to change one simple thing in your diet, this is one thing I recommend. Anasazi Salt is a local Utah company. You can find us at some Farmer’s markets in the summer, and year round at the Draper, UT Quilted Bear.

Happy Baking & Cooking!