a small bowl of fresh peach & pepper salsa on a wooden cutting board with tortilla chips around it

Fresh Peach & Pepper Salsa

If you are a lover of fresh peaches, like myself, you are going to LOVE this Fresh Peach & Pepper Salsa recipe! I grew up in Utah for part of my life…Brigham City to be exact. Our town celebration is called Peach Days, and they are known all across the state for their delicious peaches. They are my most favorite fruit, so it’s about time I have a salsa recipe with fresh peaches.

Now you could buy peaches at the store…but they are never going to taste like a fresh peach from a farm. I highly recommend making this recipe in the Fall when you have access to Farmer’s markets to buy fresh peaches. And if you live in northern Utah, head up to the Fruit Highway near Brigham City. You’ll be glad you did.

One tip to having this salsa year round is to buy the fresh peaches in the Fall, peel the skin, remove the pit, and slice them onto a cooking sheet with a silicone mat. Freeze those slices. Once frozen, place the slices in a freezer safe zip baggie. I have made this salsa using these frozen peaches. All I do is to run the frozen peach slices under warm water, just long enough to break them up. Then place the peaches into a bowl with tap water and some sea salt, just like the recipe says. Then drain off the water, and use in the recipe. *I do not know if buying frozen peaces at the store will yield the same results*

a small bowl of fresh peach & pepper salsa on a wooden cutting board with tortilla chips around it

Fresh Peach & Pepper Salsa

This spicy, yet peachy, salsa will knock your socks off. It brings the garden to the table with its fresh and wholesome ingredients. This recipe comes together quickly and will last in the fridge for at least one week.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Cooling Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 27 minutes
Course Appetizer, Side Dish
Cuisine American


  • 1 saute pan
  • cutting board
  • knife, wooden spoon, spatula
  • measuring spoons/cups
  • blender


  • 1/2-1 TBSP olive oil
  • 2 C yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 1/2 large Anaheim pepper, de-seeded, diced add more for more spice
  • 2 C fresh peaches, diced
  • 1/4 C dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 2 TBSP rice vinegar ADD AFTER COOKING other ingredients


  • Prepare ingredients by chopping the pepper and onions. Set aside. Chop up fresh peaches into a bowl. Fill bowl with water and a small amount of SEA SALT. Let stand for a couple minutes and dump out the water. This will help the peaches not to start browning while you sauté the peppers/onions.
  • In a medium sauté pan, heat a small amount of olive oil. Add chopped bell pepper, onion, and Anaheim pepper. Sauté for 5-7 minutes or until the onions are translucent.
  • Add the fresh peaches, dark brown sugar, crushed red pepper flakes, and sea salt. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Remove pan from heat, and add the rice vinegar.
  • Carefully pour the salsa into your blender. Follow blender instructions for blending HOT liquid. Blend to desired consistency.
  • Let cool. Serve with tortilla chips or whatever you desire. This would also be great with grilled chicken.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Keyword appetizer, chips and salsa, fresh peach & pepper salsa, peaches, salsa

I love to grow bell peppers in my yard. Some years the weather cooperates and I have tons, and other years, no so much. Anaheim peppers add just the right amount of spice in my mind. And they are easy to grow here in Utah. Feel free to use whatever your favorite pepper is to add spice to this salsa.

There are also so many different varieties of peaches. I highly recommend going to a fruit farm and tasting the different varieties. My personal favorite is Rosa, but they aren’t always easy to find. Some varieties are better for “canning” and others are more flavorful in my opinion for enjoying fresh.

Whatever you choose to use for you pepper or peach choice, I hope you will have fun making this recipe and getting to know your local farmers too.