Amare Wellness Products on table

Nutritional Supplements

As I was looking for ways to help heal my body and help it to function better with all the loss of nutrients I have experienced with my IBS, something to help my anxiety, and something to help me not feel so tired all the time. I was led to this company called Amare Wellness Company. Although my initial reaction was- I don’t want to buy anything from a direct marketing company, I was blown away by the science and the nutrition they have in their products. With my background in Dietetics(I have a BS in Dietetics although I have never practiced in the workforce) taking products with science studies and quality sourced products is important to me.

I was so tired of being tired that I was at a point where I was open to new ideas. I have a lot that I am responsible for and need to do. And I need to have the energy, focus, and patience to get things done. So, I prayed for something to help me. And that’s when my dear friend told me about this Amare Wellness company(they merged with Kyani in January 2023).

I felt like I needed to go all-in and try their products. And I am so happy I did. I know that not everyone has a positive experience with nutritional supplements, but for me and my family it has been a blessing. I want to share with you what we have tried and how it is helping us.

With most nutritional supplements, it often takes time to build up your body’s stores and see the effects. About 5-6 weeks into using several of their products, I noticed my anxiety was decreased substantially. Another benefit was that I can stay awake later than 9pm. But my favorite effect has been mental clarity and a desire to do all the normal things again. In my previous tired state, it was difficult to be motivated to do my laundry, sweep the floor, tidy my room, etc. My awareness of what needs to be done and my mental strength to get it done has exponentially increased. I am more patient. It is easier for me to say yes I’ll do that, and really mean it and feel like it won’t be overwhelming.

Triangle of Health

I never thought this could happen with just adding supplements to my diet. These products might not be right for every one, but I am sharing what I have found and how it has helped me. I have been using what they call the triangle of health.

Getting so many vitamins all at once in the Sunrise is something I was looking for. I had buying food, and then it goes bad before you can eat it all. This was an easy solution for me. If you click on the link under the picture you can see all the ingredients.

The Nitro Extreme has been a game changer for my health. Its main purpose is to help with inflammation and healing. I can honestly say I will take this forever. There has been a noticable change in how I feel overall and especially in my season allergies-I haven’t had a sinus infection since I started taking these, and if you know me, that is a huge change.

I only take two pills of the Sunset when I remember, as I already take a cod liver oil supplement that I love. I have learned that different types of fish oils do different things in the body, so you adapt as you need to for your body. And at different times I use more of the sunset and less of the cod liver oil.

Happy Juice

Another product I love is their “happy juice”. This is three products that you mix into your water. I like to drink this in the afternoon if I am feeling a little worn down in about 18-20 ounces of water. For me, it helps with my energy and mental focus. I don’t experience feeling like those after school hours are impossible to manage now. I can help my kids, make dinner, remember to switch the laundry, and read to my preschooler now and not feel overwhelmed.

It has made a big difference to the calm and peace in our home when I can manage my overwhelm. I have also noticed that it helps with cravings, metabolism, and weight loss—for me. I want to stress that all these things are MY OPINION. This company has studies and lots of scientific info for their products. So if you are curious, head over to their website.

Now I know you parents get what I am saying. Dinner hours are typically hard. There’s a lot to do, and sometimes patience can run thin. This product helps me to be calmer and have more mental focus. On the days I need some extra calmness and energy, it does its job naturally. I don’t use the caffeine version, as I don’t like caffeine, but there is that option too.

Fit20 Protein Powder

Although their protein powder isn’t certified gluten free, I use it. I LOVE it. It is the best tasting protein powder I have ever tried. My kids don’t like protein powder, so they don’t use them, but they have tried it and had no reaction. I use this protein powder to make my husband and I protein shakes in the morning(I love adding Kirkland frozen berries or to add Organic cacao powder) and to make my protein bars.

All of their products are gluten free in the sense that they don’t add any ingredients with gluten. But, as with anything you know your body and know what is best to try.

What I Give My Kids- VitaGBX Vitamins

Another product I have loved is the Kids VitaGBX vitamins. My youngest, who is five, has struggled with separation anxiety since she was tiny. She really struggles sleeping at night too. Since the first day using these vitamins, and I only give her a half of one chewable, she has slept through the night 80% of the time. That’s huge! Before this, the most I could hope for was once or twice a week she would sleep through the night. Now, four months later, she is sleeping through the night every night. and takes 1 vitamin each night.

Now this was not was I was expecting. I had no idea these would help with her sleeping and anxiety. I was just hoping that she would increase her vitamin levels. There really aren’t words to express how much better things have been now that she is getting better sleep. Since she sleeps better at night, our mornings are also better. She wakes up happier and can focus on getting ready for preschool.

Now this isn’t the case every day of course. She’s a preschooler and a normal kid that has big emotions to manage. It is worth every penny to me to have her take these as I have seen such an improvement. My 11 year old and 14 year old are also taking these. For my 11 year old, these have also helped with his migraines- he has a lot less, so I am thankful.

How This Company Works

I am a brand builder now with Amare. When you can order any of their products, I receive a commission on sales, and I want to be upfront about that. So when you click on the links for the products it lets Amare know you are ordering through me. I am only sharing about these products because this has been a blessing in my life, and I hope that for some of you, their products will be a blessing too. For many months, I have praying for something that would help me to have more energy, focus, and patience. This company and their products, although not the answer I expected, have blessed my life since I started taking them in January 2023.

Feel free to reach out to me with questions via email on this website or send me a DM on Instagram. I hope that you will find things to help you in your health journey.

Much love,
